A rubric is a type of scoring guide used to evaluate student performance or work based on a set of pre-established criteria. Rubrics typically describe different levels of performance for each criterion and can be used to assess a variety of students’ assignments, including written work, presentations, projects, and performances. Rubrics help students understand what is expected of them, promote consistency in evaluation, and provide valuable feedback for student learning and improvement.

For assistance designing, using or revising rubrics, please contact Dr. Bouchra Bakach bbakach@alfaisal.edu

For Students

  • Helps students understand what is expected of them
  • Provides clear and specific feedback that can guide future learning
  • Encourages self-reflection and self-assessment

For Instructors

  • Helps instructors provide consistent and objective feedback
  • Saves time by streamlining grading processes
  • Provides a framework for discussion and feedback with students

For Institutions

  • Facilitates consistent evaluation of student performance across courses and programs
  • Provides evidence of student learning outcomes for accreditation and assessment purposes
  • Encourages a culture of assessment and continuous improvement

There are several types to rubrics that faculty can use depending on their assessment goals, and objectives:

Analytic Rubrics: Analytic rubrics break down an assignment or task into specific criteria, each of which is evaluated separately. For example, an essay rubric might include criteria such as thesis statement, organization, evidence, and grammar, each with its own rating scale.

Holistic Rubrics: Holistic rubrics evaluate the assignment or task as a whole, rather than breaking it down into specific criteria. The holistic rubric could be used to rate an oral presentation as a whole, rather than breaking it down into specific criteria. The rubric would provide a general description of the qualities that make a presentation effective and engaging, and assign a score based on how well the presentation meets those qualities.

Single-Point Rubrics: A single-point rubric outlines the expectations or standards that a student must meet to complete an assignment, but unlike other rubrics, it leaves two columns with blank spaces where instructors can provide detailed feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the student's performance. This type of rubric is focused on feedback rather than the final grade, as it provides a description of what constitutes success for an assignment or task, without including specific levels or ratings. With its flexible structure, a single-point rubric allows instructors to personalize feedback for each student and provide more detailed, individualized comments.

Multi-Level Rubrics: Multi-level rubrics include different levels of performance, each of which is associated with a specific score or rating. For example, a multi-level rubric for a lab report might include categories such as hypothesis, procedure, data analysis, and conclusion, with different levels of achievement for each category.

Designing rubrics is a crucial process that involves careful consideration of the learning objectives, assessment criteria, and student needs. A well-designed rubric provides a clear and objective measure of student learning and guides instruction. However, creating an effective rubric requires thoughtful planning to ensure it accurately reflects the learning goals of the assignment and provides meaningful feedback to students. This section outlines the steps involved in designing rubrics and offers tips for creating rubrics that are fair, effective, and user-friendly.

Step 1: Define the purpose of the assignment/assessment for which you are creating a rubric. Consider the following:

  • What is the format of the assignment/assessment (e.g., essay, presentation, project, exam)?
  • What are the specific learning objectives for this assignment/assessment?
  • What are the key skills or knowledge areas that students are expected to demonstrate in their work/performance?
  • What are the criteria for evaluating student work/performance, and how important are they relative to one another?

Step 2: Decide what type of rubric you will use?

  • See Types of Rubrics (This should be hyperlinked to the page that outlines the types of rubrics)

Step 3: Define the criteria.

  • Identify the specific criteria that you will use to evaluate student work/performance. These should be based on the learning objectives and skills/knowledge areas that you identified earlier.
  • Ensure that your rubric does not have a long list of criteria. Best practices recommend that rubrics should have between 3 and 10 criteria as more criteria are added to a rubric, a student’s cognitive load increases making it more difficult for students to remember all the assessment requirements.
  • Consider how you will weigh the criteria relative to one another. If one criterion is more important than the others, you may want to give it a higher weight. For example, consider a rubric with three criteria: Content, Organization, and Grammar. If you assign equal weight to each criterion, then each one is worth 33.3% of the overall score. However, if you believe that Content is more important than the other criteria, you may choose to assign it a higher weight, such as 50%, while assigning 25% to Organization and 25% to Grammar. This means that a student's performance in Content will have a greater impact on their final score than their performance in Organization or Grammar.

Step 4: Review the criteria by asking the following questions:

  • Are these criteria important and essential?
  • Can they be observed and measured?
  • Are they distinct from other criteria?
  • Are they distinct from other criteria?

Step 5: Design the rating scale.

  • Determine the number of levels in your rating scale. Three to five levels is typical.
  • Decide whether to use numbers or descriptive labels for the levels in your rating scale.
  • Write descriptions for each level of the rating scale that are clear, concise, and measurable.

Step 6: Create your rubric.

  • Combine your criteria and rating scales into a single document, with the criteria listed in one column and the rating scale and descriptors in the adjacent columns.
  • If possible, include the rubric with the assignment/assessment instructions.
  • Test your rubric on a sample of student work and make any necessary revisions.

Using a rubric effectively requires a clear and structured process beyond just designing and developing it. Once a rubric has been created, instructors must follow specific steps to ensure that evaluations are accurate, fair, and useful. This includes providing clear instructions to students on how to use the rubric, establishing a process for collecting and evaluating student work, and using the rubric to provide meaningful feedback to students. In this section, we will outline the steps involved in using a rubric to evaluate student work and provide tips for maximizing the benefits of rubric-based evaluations.

1. Provide the rubric to students.

  • Give students a copy of the rubric along with the assignment/assessment instructions.
  • Explain the rubric and how it will be used to evaluate their work/performance.
  • Encourage students to use the rubric as a guide to create their work and as a tool/checklist to assess their work before submitting it.

2. Provide examples of high-quality work:

  • Provide students with examples of work that meets or exceeds the rubric's expectations to help them understand what is expected of them.

3. Use the rubric to evaluate student work/performance.

  • Use the rubric to assign a score or grade to each student's work/performance.
  • Be consistent in your application of the rubric across all students.
  • Use the rubric to provide specific feedback to students on their strengths and weaknesses.

4. Train graders on the rubric

  • If other graders are assessing student work, ensure that they understand the rubric's criteria and how to apply them consistently.

5. Use the rubric for student peer review

  • Encourage students to use the rubric to evaluate the work of their peers.
  • Provide guidance and support to ensure that students are using the rubric effectively.
  • Analyze the results and revise the rubric as needed.
  • After using the rubric to evaluate student work/performance, analyze the results to determine its effectiveness.
  • Revise the rubric as needed to improve its clarity, effectiveness, and usefulness.
  • Involve students in the rubric creation process: Soliciting input from students on the criteria and expectations can help ensure that the rubric is clear, relevant, and meaningful to them.
  • Adopt a rubric: Adopting a pre-existing rubric can be helpful as it can save time and provide a foundation that can be modified to suit your specific learning objectives and assessment criteria.
  • Use rubrics to guide instruction: Rubrics can be used not just for grading, but also to guide instruction. By sharing the rubric with students before they begin an assignment, faculty can help students understand the expectations and how they will be assessed.
  • Use rubrics for formative assessment: Rubrics can be used for formative assessment, allowing students to receive feedback on their work before submitting a final product. This can help students identify areas for improvement and make revisions before submitting a final product.
  • Align rubrics with learning objectives: Rubrics should be aligned with the learning objectives of the assignment and the course overall. This ensures that the rubric is measuring what students are expected to learn.
  • Provide clear and specific feedback: Rubrics should be used to provide clear and specific feedback to students. Rather than just providing a score, faculty should identify areas where students did well and areas where they need improvement.
  • Use rubrics to ensure fairness and consistency: Rubrics can help ensure that grading is fair and consistent across all students and assignments.
  • Regularly review and revise rubrics: Rubrics should be reviewed and revised regularly to ensure that they are still relevant and effective for assessing student work.
  • Use Parallel Language: Make sure that the language from column to column is similar and that syntax and wording correspond. This ensures that the rubric is easily read from left to right or vice versa.
  • Use Student-Friendly Language: Ensure that the language in the rubric is learning-level appropriate and easily understandable by students.
  • Use the Rubric with Your Students: To help students understand the rubric's relevance to learning, it's essential to use the rubric with them and show them how it can guide their learning, reflection, and self-assessment.
  • Don’t Use Too Many Columns: Use the right number of columns in the rubric to make it easily comprehensible and organized.
  • Common Rubrics and Templates are Awesome: Create common rubrics and templates that can be used across multiple classroom activities to avoid rubric fatigue and make it easier to alter as needed.
  • Rely on Descriptive Language: Use specific and descriptive language in the rubric instead of relying on vague words or numbers to guide students' work.